I went and bought a new member of the family two weeks ago. I purchased my new friend at a fundraiser auction for my neices school. My new friend is a female cockatiel. I named her Lou-Lou. She can say hello and good morning. The other day I was whistling at her and she "cat called" back at me. She loves watching T.V and listening to the radio. My sister went and bought a male parakeet last weekend to be her companion. He sings to her and she sings back. We named him Rossco. They love to look outside and look at themselves in the mirror. I hope she lives a long healthy life. She still isn't used to me putting my hand in her cage. She got out the other day and I grabbed her. She lost a few feathers and latched down on my thumb. I told her I'd let her go, if she let me go. I purchased her a bigger cage, so I had to transfer her from the old one to the new one. I told my brother in law to put a glove on, so she wouldn't bite him. He didn't listen and was bite several times before he placed her in the new cage. I love my bird. I also have a mini chihauhau named Baby. I've had her for almost 2 years. She is very protective of me and the family. She is a multi brown chocolate chihuahua. Right now she is living with my mother in a different state. I moved and thought she would do better living in the house she was raised in. She loves my mom and baby sister. They are the ones taking care of her. I miss her alot. I'm going up in May for my little sisters graduation, so I'll get to see her then. I love animals and probably would have more if I had my own place. Until then I have my two friends who I love. They are a great stress relievers. I believe animals keep people healthier.