Published on May 3, 2005 By wannit In Misc
I am extremely stressed right know. I have finals coming up. My family situation is growing tense. I miss my mom, sister, and dad. I have a fairly new job and they just cut my hours. My income keeps lowering. I still live with my sister and brother in law who have two kids. My sister is constanly mad at me for something I did wrong. My test in math haven't been turning out the way I had hoped. I wish I lived on my own. I worry about my mom and her going through the divorce with my father. They had been married for 32 years. Then my father had to do the unthinkable. Its hard to go see mom and not see him. Sometimes I wish he wasn't around any more. I guess I still have some resentment left in me. I just resently lost my aunt Debbie and I didn't get to go to her funeral. I feel guilty about that. I haven't seen my grandparents in a long time. I guess I need to get back on my medication. I believe I'm getting depressed again. I should of never got off my medicine, but I ran out. I have no insurance to pay for it and I have no money. Usually if I talk about what is bothering me it helps alot. I'm scared college isn't going to work out. I guess I need more encouragement. I can do this, I can succeed. My life will work out the way its supposed too. I feel better now. Thanks for listening.
on May 03, 2005
I'm glad you feel better, I hope things get better for you.
on May 04, 2005
I know you dont know me from the next person or comment here, but I read your article and wanted to offer a few words to maybe console/encourage you. Your mind is a powerful tool. You can do anything you want to as long as you remain focused and have the will, desire, and strength to get it accomplished. You are right...your life will turn out as great as you want it to so long as you put forth the energy and effort to change it from how it is today. You will succeed because you have the mentality and tenacity to do so.
I am very sorry to hear about your Aunt. Losing a loved one is really rough, but you have to remember, also, that she is in a better place. I am sure she understands that you didnt get a chance to go to her funeral, but nevertheless, she is still watching over you and loving you still the same. Good luck in the future and keep the good attitude.